Monday, November 19, 2007

Just Sharing

Here is a sight you will see often at our house. Caitlin loves to be on the computer and she does two things:

1. Shop- Build-a-bear, petco, disney store etc.
2. You-Tube- she watches all the Yugioh videos

Caitlin is fortunate as she has her own laptop the school provides for her to do all her school work on. She has her own facebook account if you would like to communicate with her there. She is quite the funny girl. The other day we were studying for her Social Studies test and here is a brief synopsis of how that goes:

Mom: "Explain Baroque...."
Caitlin: "It's when you don't have any money HA!"

Well i thought I would just spend a few minutes sharing......well nothing I guess.

Here is a photo of me and Ashley and as you can see if you look directly behind us, this was during the World Series. Now I have never really been a baseball fan, it is not that I dislike baseball I just never really thought about it. Ever since Colin started playing and Leonard started coaching I grew fond of it. (At least in the little league genre). Went to a few Cardinal games and now with Nicole dating a baseball player I found myself watching the events leading up to the World Series. I even found myself rushing home to watch the game. So it is official I am a baseball fan. Now it is yet to be determined who my team will be so I am open to suggestions.

Here is a quote i found this morning and I have been thinking about it all day and I want to share it with you:

Let no one ever come to you with-out leaving better and happier.
Be the living expression of God's kindness:
kindness in your face
kindness in your eyes
kindness in your smile
---- mother Teresa

1 comment:


Caitlin looks so studious! I didn't like baseball until I started dating Troy. I really like it to, when you guys come back here we'll have to go to a few Mariners games! =)